Acknowledging or Citing AstropyΒΆ

In Publications

If you use Astropy Project tools and resources for work/research presented in a publication (whether directly, or as a dependency to another package), we ask that you please cite the Astropy papers. We encourage you to cite all three papers, but if space is limited, please cite the most recent paper:

Copy all BibTeX to clipboard

If you are using AASTeX and plan to submit an article to one of the AAS journals, we recommend adding a \software{...} tag to your manuscript that cites Astropy (see the AASTeX guide for more information), e.g.:

\software{Astropy \citep{astropy:2013, astropy:2018, astropy:2022}}

(but please also consider adding and citing other software packages that you use to this list as well).

If you are submitting an article to another journal, or have no other specific place in your manuscript to cite the papers, we provide the following LaTeX/BibTeX snippet to add to your acknowledgments:

This work made use of Astropy:\footnote{} a community-developed core Python package and an ecosystem of tools and resources for astronomy \citep{astropy:2013, astropy:2018, astropy:2022}.

As an alternative, the BibTeX record recommended for a given version of Astropy is available from the Python package itself:

import astropy

In Presentations

If you are giving a presentation or talk featuring work/research that makes use of Astropy and would like to acknowledge Astropy, we suggest using this logo on your title slide:

Powered by Astropy

The logo is also available with white text, or the SVG originals can be obtained at the astropy-logo github repository.

In Projects

If you are using Astropy as part of a code project (e.g., affiliated packages), a useful way to acknowledge your use of Astropy is with a badge in your README. We suggest this badge:

Powered by Astropy Badge

Which is available at the URL If your code is hosted on github, You can place the following in your file to get the badge:
